This article is considering formatting date and time and sorting by date and time.
My example orders look like this
head xeggex-orders-overall.txt
Time Market Side Price Quantity Total w/ Fee Discounts Fee (XPE)
1/10/2024, 10:30:43 AM XTE/USDT Buy 0.0000001515 10500100 1.5939466803 0
1/10/2024, 10:30:43 AM XTE/USDT Buy 0.00000017 20300800 3.458038272 0
1/10/2024, 5:22:02 PM XTE/USDT Sell 0.00000041 4500500 1.84151459 0
1/10/2024, 5:36:33 PM XTE/USDT Sell 0.00000044 12559344 5.51505913728 0
1/10/2024, 5:36:33 PM XTE/USDT Sell 0.00000043 2800200 1.201677828 0
1/10/2024, 5:41:52 PM XTE/USDT Sell 0.00000044 340756 0.14963277472 0
1/10/2024, 8:26:29 PM XTE/USDT Sell 0.00000046 8700100 3.994041908 0
1/11/2024, 1:10:37 PM MAXE/USDT Sell 0.00207 1900 3.925134 0
1/11/2024, 1:51:38 AM LNCR/USDT Sell 0.000675 1500 1.010475 0
Date and time has wrong format not supported by LibreOffice Calc and linux sort, and I cannot sort that.
1/10/2024 - this is January 1, 2024. And linux utility "date" can only understand 01/10/2024, so need to add leading zeroes to months and days.
1:10:37 PM - time also lacks leading zeroes.
After formatting date and time I will convert it to timestamp and then sort as a numbers. And then I will remove timestamps
head -1 xeggex-orders-overall.txt > xeggex-orders-normalized.txt; sed 1d xeggex-orders-overall.txt | sed -E -e 's/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*)\/([0-9]*), ([^M]*M)/\3-\1-\2 \4/' | sed -E -e 's/-([0-9])-/-0\1-/g' -e 's/-([0-9]) /-0\1 /g' | awk -F'\t' '{system("echo -n `date -d \""$1"\" +%s`\"\t\"`date -d \""$1"\" +\"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S\"`"); for (i=2;i<=NF;i++) {printf "%s%s","\t",$i;};printf "%s","\n";}' | sort -n | cut --complement -f1 >> xeggex-orders-normalized.txt
tail xeggex-orders-normalized.txt
2024-05-12 09:05:36 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 2773.62 0.180923787324 0
2024-05-12 09:07:35 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 285.2957 0.01860989557014 0
2024-05-12 09:08:42 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 293.8702 0.01916921192004 0
2024-05-12 09:08:47 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 293.2149 0.01912646656998 0
2024-05-12 09:24:23 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 988.44 0.064476138888 0
2024-05-12 09:44:29 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 250.7449 0.01635613997598 0
2024-05-12 10:28:32 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 0.0011 0.00000007175322 0
2024-05-12 10:31:03 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 2136.62 0.139372149924 0
2024-05-12 10:33:32 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 9384.43 0.612148245786 0
2024-05-12 11:07:04 MAXE/USDT Buy 0.0000651 888.32 0.057945291264 0
Date is well formatted, orders are sorted.